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发布日期:2021年03月12日 来源: 作者:



联系方式:Emailfenpeng@csust.edu.cn  电话:15700729699









1. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,高层高密集城市形态对地表温度影响的时空驱动机制研究,主持,在研。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,顾及地理要素特征的城市空气污染时空建模研究,主要参与,已完成。

3. 湖南省科技计划项目,长株潭城市群人口空气污染暴露风险评估与预警研究,主要参与,已完成。


1. Peng, F., Wong, M.S., Ho, H. C., Nichol, J., 2017. Reconstruction of historical datasets for analyzing spatiotemporal influence ofbuilt environment on urban microclimates across a compact city, Building and Environment 123: 649-660.

2. Peng, F., Wong, M. S., Wan, Y. L., 2017. Modeling of urban wind ventilation using high resolution airborne LiDAR data. Computers, Environment and urban systems 64: 81-90.

3. Peng, F., Wong, M. S., Nichol, J. E., Chan, P. W., 2016. Historical GIS Data and Changes in Urban Morphological Parameters for the Analysis of Urban Heat Islands in Hong Kong. ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 55-62.

4. Wong, M. S., Peng, F., Zou, B., Shi, W. Z., Wilson, J.G., 2016. Spatially analyzing the inequity of the Hong Kong urban heat island by socio-demographic characteristics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13: 317. doi:10.3390/ijerph13030317.

5. Zou, B., Peng, F., Wan, N., Mamady, K., Wilson, J.G., 2014. Spatial cluster detection of air pollution exposure inequites across the United States. Plos One 9(3): e91917. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091917. 

6. Zou, B., Peng, F., Wan, N., Wilson, J.G., 2014. Sulfur dioxide exposure and environmental justice: A Multi-Scale and Sources-Specific Perspective. Atmospheric Pollution Research 5: 491-499.

7. 彭芬,邹滨,邱永红, 2014. 空气污染暴露公正异质性特征的空间自相关分析[J].测绘科学, 39(5):104-108.

8. 邹滨,彭芬, 2014. 空气污染暴露公正评估方法研究进展[J].上海环境科学, 33(1): 11-16.

9. Peng, F., Zou, B., 2013. A GIS-based Environmental Justice Analysis of Ambient Air Pollution: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Areas, Advanced Materials Research, vols: 610-613, pp: 3676-3679.

10. Zou, B., Peng, F., Chen, S.X., Luo, Y.Q., 2013. A GIS-Aided method for assessing high-resolution population exposure to environmental pollutants, Advanced Materials Research, vols: 610-613, pp: 3738-3741.

11. 邹滨,彭芬,曾永年,焦利民,翁敏, 2013. 高分辨率人口空气污染暴露 GIS 空间区划研究[J]. 武大学报信息科学版, 38(3): 334-338.


Scientific Report, Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Research Publishing 等期刊审稿专家。