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陈召勇 教授

发布者:谭冰  发布时间:2020年04月03日 20:22















1.   主持“新能源材料与器件”专业建设,2017-2021

2.   主持湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究项目“无机非金属材料工程专业创新创业教育的探索和实践”,2010-2012

3.   徐明,富锂层状氧化物正极材料的表面包覆改性研究,湖南省优秀硕士论文,2016,指导教师:陈召勇;

4.   严小艳,富锂锰基正极材料的制备与锑掺杂研究,湖南省优秀硕士论文,2019,指导教师:陈召勇;

5.   陈召勇,朱华丽,廖红卫,曾爱香,大学生创新创业精神培养方法探索,中国科教创新导刊,20112027

6.   长安固锂——高安全高容量固态锂电池,朱海鹏、黄鑫、杨飞凡、陈云洁、闫心凝,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,2020,指导教师:陈召勇;

7.   王航,熊礼俊  王成武  张磊,动力电池正极材料磷酸铁锂制备的低碳工艺研究,国家级大学生研究性学习与创新实验计划,2010,指导教师:陈召勇;

8.   李俭,罗艾英,刘平礼,汪天杰,徐志辉,锂离子电池用尖晶石锰酸锂与电解液界面组成、形成机理与稳定性研究,国家级大学生研究性学习与创新实验计划,2009,指导教师:陈召勇。



所在研究团队介绍:针对化石能源的日益枯竭及其使用带来的环境污染,先进电池与材料科研团队致力于推进可持续清洁能源的大规模应用,围绕“新型储能材料与器件”关键材料与技术进行研发,通过对材料表面双重包覆、体相与表面协同改性及结构精修,在储能电池关键材料的结构设计与可控制备、表界面调控及储能机制方面取得创新性成果,与省内外新能源龙头企业开展紧密产学研合作,为实现高安全高能量密度长寿命储能材料的规模化应用提供了新材料和新工艺,促进了储能电池在新能源汽车、智能电网和风光电站大规模应用。主要研究方向为:① 锂、钠离子电池电极材料的设计、制备与体表调控研究;② 固态锂电池及其关键材料的设计与研制;③ 废旧锂离子电池的资源化回收利用。

团队负责人陈召勇教授长期以来从事锂离子电池与材料、固态锂电池、废旧电池回收资源化利用方面的研究,在锂离子电池材料的设计、制备、结构分析表征、性能调控与废旧电池回收新工艺方面积累了丰富的经验。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,湖南省重点研发计划,省部级等项目20余项,获湖南省科技进步奖,授权国家发明专利20余件,在Advanced Functional MaterialsNano Energy等国内外学术期刊上共发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,高被引论文3篇,热点论文1篇。



1.   陈召勇,博士,教授,博导,团队负责人,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,湖南省重点研发计划,省部级等项目20余项,发表学术论文60余篇,获国家发明专利20余件。

2.   段军飞,博士,副教授,硕导,骨干成员,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,湖南省自然科学基金等科研项目4项,发表学术论文30余篇,获国家授权发明专利8件;

3.   曾光,博士,讲师,硕导,骨干成员,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,福建省自然科学基金青年基金项目等科研项目2项,发表学术论文10余篇,获国家发明专利1件;

4.   顾岩岭,博士,讲师,硕导,骨干成员,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目等科研项目3项,发表学术论文30余篇,获国家发明专利5件;

5.   王艳霞,博士,讲师,硕导,骨干成员,发表学术论文8篇。


1.   科技奖励

1   湖南省科技进步三等奖,锂离子动力电池正极材料关键技术及应用,排名第一,2014

2   湖南省第14届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,排名第一,2012

3   锂电池正极材料-磷酸铁锂,焦作市科学技术进步奖三等奖(201163),排名第一,2011

2.   科研项目

(1)  国家自然科学基金面上项目“磷酸铁锂/聚吡咯双层包覆锑掺杂富锂锰正极材料的可控制备与结构增强机制研究”(51874048),60万,2019-2022,主持,在研;

(2)  长沙市科技重大专项“新一代高镍低钴化锂电池正极材料关键技术研发与产业化”,400万,2020-2023,首席专家,在研;

(3)  湖南省教育厅重点科学研究项目“富锂锰正极材料的电压衰减调控研究(19A003)”,10万,2019-2022,主持,在研;

(4)  长沙市科技计划项目“高电导率锂离子电池固体电解质锆酸镧锂的制备与应用研发(kq1901100)”,15万,2019.1-2020.8,主持,结题;

(5)  湖南省重点研发计划“富锂锰基高能量密度正极材料关键技术研发(2016GK2012)”,20万,2016-2017,主持,结题;

(6)  湖南省教育厅重点科学研究项目“富锂锰正极材料的相变与过 ()氧离子的关联及稳定性调控研究(16A001)”,10万,2016-2018,主持,结题;

(7)  教育部优秀留学回国人员科研启动基金“熔盐体系中硅酸锰锂纳米线的生长机理与储锂性能研究([2011]1139)”,主持,结题;

(8)  湖南省自然科学基金“纳米结构磷酸铁锂的电化学合成及其性能研究(09JJ3092,结题优),主持,结题;

(9)  湖南省科技厅科技计划“CVD法现场制备锂离子动力电池用磷酸铁锂-纳米碳复合正极材料的研究(2008FJ3008,结题)”,主持,结题;

(10)       湖南省教育厅青年基金项目“提高磷酸铁锂大电流充放电性能的研究(06B002,结题)”,主持,结题;

(11)       长沙市科技计划项目“锂电池用高电压高镍正极材料的研究和产业化(kq1701076)”,5万元,2017.9-2018.12,主持,结题;

(12)     锂离子电池正极材料磷酸铁锂产业化与磷酸铁锂电池制造技术”项目,160万,2009-2011,主持,结题;

(13)       年产200吨锂离子电池正极材料磷酸铁锂的生产技术”,120万;2009-2012,主持,结题;

(14)       石墨基特殊壳层结构负极复合材料关键技术的研发” 项目,20万,2012-2014,主持,结题;

(15)       石墨烯的应用研究”横向项目,60万,2016-2017,主持,结题;

(16)       622三元材料的研发”横向项目,15万,2017-2019,主持,结题;

(17)       国家科技部重大项目“锂离子电池电极材料(锰酸锂)的制备及研究”(98-D102),参与,结题;

(18)       国家自然科学基金项目“快离子导体镶嵌LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2正极材料的研究”,排名第二(51304031),排名第二,结题;

(19)       国土资源部公益性行业科研专项“隐晶质石墨深加工技术及应用研究(201011031-5)”;排名第三,结题;

(20)       湖南省创新创业技术投资项目“高安全、长寿命动力电池用NCM622三元材料的研发及产业化(2017GK5008)”,350万,2017.11-2019.10,排名7/8,结题;

3.   学术论文

1   Zhuolin Tang, Mengming Yuan, Huali Zhu, Guang Zeng, Jun Liu, Junfei Duan, Zhaoyong Chen*Promoting the Performance of LiCO2 Batteries via Constructing Three-Dimensional Interconnected K+ Doped MnO2 Nanowires Networks, Frontiers in Chemistry2021,9,670612.

2   Huali Zhu, Rui Shen, Yiwei Tang, Xiaoyan Yan, Jun Liu, Liubin Song, Zhiqiang Fan, Shilin Zheng, Zhaoyong Chen . Sn-doping and Li2SnO3 nano-coating layer co-modified LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 with improved cycle stability at 4.6 V cut-off voltage, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 868.

3   Ji, Y.; Zhou, C.; Lin, F.; Li, B.; Yang, F.; Zhu, H.; Duan, J.; Chen, Z. Submicron-Sized Nb-Doped Lithium Garnet for High Ionic Conductivity Solid Electrolyte and Performance of Quasi-Solid-State Lithium Battery. Materials 2020, 13, 560.

4   Junfei Duan, Yongkang Wang, Hongxing Li, Donghai Wei, Fang Wen, Guanhua Zhang, Piao Liu, Lingjun Li, Wei-bing Zhang, and Zhaoyong Chen, Bimetal-organic Framework-derived Co9S8/ZnS@NC Heterostructures for Superior Lithium-ion Storage, Chem. An Asian J, 2020, 15, 1-9.

5   Liu, J.; Liu, Q.; Zhu, H.; Lin, F.; Ji, Y.; Li, B.; Duan, J.; Li, L.; Chen, Z. Effect of Different Composition on Voltage Attenuation of Li-Rich Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Materials 2020, 13, 40.

6   Liu, Q.; Zhu, H.; Liu, J.; Liao, X.; Tang, Z.; Zhou, C.; Yuan, M.; Duan, J.; Li, L.; Chen, Z. High-Performance Lithium-Rich Layered Oxide Material: Effects of Preparation Methods on Microstructure and Electrochemical Properties. Materials 2020, 13, 334.

7   Ming Xu, Zhaoyong Chen*, Huali Zhu, Xiaoyan Yan, Lingjun Li, Qunfang Zhao Mitigating Capacity Fade by Constructing Highly-Ordered Mesoporous Al2O3/Polyacene Double-Shelled Architecture in Li-Rich Cathode MaterialsJ. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 313933-13945.

8   Lingjun Li, Zhao yong Chen, Qiao bao Zhang, Ming Xu, Xiang Zhou, Huali Zhu and Kaili ZhangA Hydrolysis-Hydrothermal Route to Synthesis of Ultrathin LiAlO2-inlayed LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 as High Performance Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 894-904.

9   Zhaoyong Chen*, Xiaoyan Yan, Ming Xu, Kaifeng Cao, Huali Zhu, Lingjun Li, and Junfei DuanBuilding Honeycomb-Like Hollow Microsphere Architecture in a Bubble Template Reaction for High-Performance Lithium-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode MaterialsACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (36), pp 3061730625.

10 Zhao yong Chen, K. Cao, H. Zhu, X. Gong, Q. Liu, J. Duan, L. Li, Improved Electrochemical Performance of Surface Coated LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 With Polypyrrole, Frontiers in chemistry 6 (2019) 648.

11 Chao Zhu, Donghai Wei, Yinglong Wu, Zeng Zhang, Guanhua Zhang, Junfei Duan,* Lingjun Li, Huali Zhu, Zhiying Zhu, Zhaoyong Chen*, Controllable construction of interconnected SnOx/N-doped carbon/carbon composite for enhanced-performance lithium-ion batteries anodes, J. Alloys Compd., 2019, 778, 731-740.

12 Zhao yong Chen, X. Gong, H. Zhu, K. Cao, Q. Liu, J. Liu, L. Li, J. Duan, High Performance and Structural Stability of K and Cl Co-Doped LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 Cathode Materials in 4.6 Voltage, Frontiers in chemistry 6 (2019) 643.

13 Z. Chen, Z. Zhang, Q. Zhao, J. Duan, H. Zhu, Understanding the Impact of K-Doping on the Structure and Performance of LiFePO4/C Cathode Materials, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 19 (2019) 119-124.

14 H. Zhu, Q. Li, X. Gong, K. Cao, Zhao yong Chen, Enhanced High Voltage Performance of Chlorine/Bromine Co-Doped Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide, Crystals 8 (2018) 425.

15 Ming Xu, Linfeng Fei, Wei Lu, Zhaoyong Chen, Tao Li, Yan Liu, Guanyin Gao, Yanqing Lai, Zhian Zhang, Peng Wang, Haitao Huang, Engineering hetero-epitaxial nanostructures with aligned Li-ion channels in Li-rich layered oxides for high-performance cathode applicationNano Energy, 35, 2017, 271280.

16 Junfei Duan, Chao Zhu, Yuhui Du, Yinglong Wu, Zhaoyong Chen*, Lingjun Li, Huali Zhu, Zhiying Zhu, Synthesis of N-doped carbon-coated ZnSn mixed oxide cubes/graphene composite with enhanced lithium storage properties, Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52, 10470-10479.

17 Ming Xu, Zhaoyong Chen, Ling jun Li, Huali Zhu, Qunfang Zhao, Lian Xu, Nanfa Peng, Li Gong, Highly crystalline alumina surface coating from hydrolysis of aluminum isopropoxide on lithium-rich layered oxide. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 281, 444-454.

18 Zhaoyong Chen, Ming Xu, Binglin Du, Huali Zhu, Tian Xie, Wenhua Wang, Morphology Control of Lithium Iron Phosphate Nanoparticles By Soluble Starch-assisted Hydrothermal SynthesisJournal of Power Sources2014272837-844.

19 Zhaoyong Chen*, Qunfang Zhao, Ming Xu, Lingjun Li, Junfei Duan, Huali Zhu, Electrochemical properties of self-assembled porous micro-spherical LiFePO4/PAS composite prepared by spray-drying method, Electrochimica Acta, 186, 2015, 117-124.   

20 Lingjun Li, Ming Xu, Zhaoyong Chen*, Xiang Zhou, Qiaobao Zhang, Huali Zhu, Chun Wu, Kaili Zhang*High-performance lithium-rich layered oxide materials: Effects of chelating agents on microstructure and electrochemical propertiesElectrochimica Acta2015174446455.

21 Huali Zhu, Tian Xie, Zhaoyong Chen*, Lingjun Li, Ming Xu, Wenhua Wang, Yanqing Lai, Jie Li, The impact of vanadium substitution on the structure and electrochemical performance of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 135, 77-85.

22 Zhaoyong Chen*, Binglin Du, Ming Xu, Huali Zhu, Lingjun Li, Wenhua WangPolyacene coated carbon/LiFePO4 cathode for Li ion batteries: Understanding the stabilized double coating structure and enhanced lithium ion diffusion kineticsElectrochimica Acta, 2013, 109262-268.

23 Zhao-yong Chen*, Pan-Pan Lu, Hua-Li Zhu. AC impedance investigation and charge-discharge performance of NaOH surface-modified natural graphite. Electrochimica Acta, 2013102, 44-50.

24 Zhaoyong Chen*, Huali Zhu, Shan Ji, Vladimir. Linkov, Performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Prepared by Solid State Reaction, Journal of Power Sources 189, 2009, 507-510.

25 Lingjun Li, Zhaoyong Chen*, Liubin Song, Ming Xu, Huali Zhu, Li Gong, Kaili Zhang*, Characterization and electrochemical performance of lithium-active titanium dioxide inlaid LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 material prepared by lithium residue-assisted method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 638 (2015) 77-82.

26 Lingjun Li, Ming Xu, Zhaoyong Chen*, Xiang Zhou, Qiaobao Zhang, Huali Zhu, Chun Wu, Kaili Zhang*, High-performance lithium-rich layered oxide materials: Effects of chelating agents on microstructure and electrochemical properties, Electrochimica Acta, 174 (2015) 446-455.

27 Lingjun Li, Qi Yao, Zhaoyong Chen*, Liubin Song, Tian Xie, Huali Zhu, Junfei Duan, Kaili Zhang*, Effects of lithium-active manganese trioxide coating on the structural and electrochemical characteristics of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 as cathode materials for lithium ion battery, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 650 (2015) 684-691.

28 Lingjun Li, Qi Yao, Huali Zhu, Zhaoyong Chen*, Liubin Song, Junfei Duan, Effect of Al substitution sites on Li1-xAlx(Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3)1-yAlyO2 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 686 (2016) 30-37.

29 Lingjun Li, Ming Xu, Qi Yao, Zhaoyong Chen, Liubin Song, Zhian Zhang, Chunhui Gao, Peng Wang, Ziyang Yu, Yanqing Lai, Alleviating Surface Degradation of Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Cathode Material by Encapsulating with Nanoscale Li-Ions/Electrons Superionic Conductors Hybrid Membrane for Advanced Li-Ion Batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 3087930889.

30 Zhaoyong Chen*, Hua-li ZhuShan Ji, Rushanah. Fakir, Vladimir. LinkovInfluence of Carbon Sources on Electrochemical Performances of LiFePO4/C CompositesSolid State Ionics 179, 2008,1810-1815

31 Zhaoyong Chen, Ming Xu, Huali Zhu, Tian Xie, Wenhua Wang, Qunfang ZhaoEnhanced electrochemical performance of polyacene coated LiMn2O3.95F0.05 for lithium ion batteriesApplied Surface Science, 286 , 2013, 177-183.

32 Lingjun Li,  Zhaoyong Chen, Liubin Song, Ming Xu, Huali Zhu, Li Gong, Kaili Zhang, Characterization and electrochemical performance of Lithium-active titanium dioxide inlaid LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 material prepared by Lithium residue-assisted methodJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 63877-82.

33 Lingjun Li, QiYao, Huali Zhu, Zhaoyong Chen, Liubin Song, Junfei Duan, Effect of Al substitution sites on Li1-xAlx(Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3)1-yAlyO2 cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 686 (2016) 3037.

34 Huali Zhu, Jie Li, Zhaoyong Chen*, Qifeng Li, Tian Xie, Lingjun Li, Yanqing LaiMolten salt synthesis and electrochemical properties of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode materialsSynthetic Metals2014, 187, 123-129..

35 Zhaoyong Chen*, Tian Xie, Characterization of Na substituted LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode materials for lithium ion battery, Ionics, 2014, 20, 629-634.

36 Ling-jun Li, Zhi-Xing Wang, Qi-Cheng Liu, Chang Ye, Zhao-Yong Chen, Effects of chromium on the structural, surface chemistry and electrochemical of layered LiNi0.8xCo0.1Mn0.1CrxO2Electrochimica Acta, 7720128996.

37 CHEN Zhao-yong, ZHU Wei, ZHU Hua-li, ZHANG Jian-li, LI Qi-feng, Electrochemical performances of LiFePO4/C composites prepared by molten salt method, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2010, 20(5), 809-813.

38 CHEN Zhao-yong, ZHU Hua-li, ZHU Wei, ZHANG Jian-li, LI Qi-feng, Electrochemical performance of carbon nanotube-modified LiFePO4 cathodes for Li-ion batteries, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2010, 20(4), 614-618.

39 Hua-Li Zhu, Zhao-Yong Chen, Shan Ji, Vladimir. LinkovInfluence of different morphologies on electrochemical performance of spinel LiMn2O4, Solid State Ionics 179, 20081788-1793 .

40 XIAO Jin; ZHU Hua-li; CHEN Zhao-yong; PENG Zhong-dong; HU Guo-rong, Preparation and property of spinel LiMn2O4 material by co-doping anti-electricity ions, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2006, 16, 467-472.

41 HU Guo-rong, GAO Xu-guang; PENG Zhong-dong, CHEN Zhao-yong, Tan Xian-yan, Yu Xiao-yuan, synthesis of LiFePO4/C composite electrode with enhanced electrochemical performance, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 15(4), 2005,795-799.

42 Chen Zhaoyong, Zhu Huali, Hu Guorong, Xiao jin, Peng Zhengdong, Liu Yexiang, Electrochemical Performances and X-Ray Diffraction Studies on LiMn2O4-xYx  Compounds, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 14(6), 2004,1151.

43 YU Xiao-yuan HU Guo-rong PENG Zhong-dongXIAO jinCHEN Zhao-yongL IU Ye-xiangSurface modification of LiCo0. 05Mn1. 95O4 cathode by coating with SiO2TiO2 compositeTrans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 14 (4)2004724.

44 Chen, Zhao-yong, Li, Yan-Rong, Yu, Zuo-long, Charge-Discharge Behavior of Surface-Coated LiMn2O3.95F0.05 Cathode Materials at High Temperature, Chinese Chemistry Letter14, 2003, 1296.

45 Chen, Zhao-Yong; He, Yi; Li, Zhi-Jie; Gao, Li-Zhen; Jiang, Qi; Yu, Zuo-Long, Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Spinel LiMn2O4-x(SO4)x Cathode Materials, Chinese Journal Chemistry, 20, 2002,194.

46 Chen, Zhao-Yong; Gao, Li-Zhen; Liu, Xin-Quan; Yu, Zuo-Long, Properties and Structure of Spinel Li-Mn-O-F Compounds for Cathode Materials of Secondary Lithium-ion Battery, Chinese Journal Chemistry, 19, 2001,347.

47 H. Li; Q. Liang; L. Z. Gao; S. H. Tang; Z. Y. Chen; B. L. Zhang; Z. L. Yu; C. F. Ng; C. F. Au, Catalytic production of carbon nanotubes by decomposition of CH4 over the pre-reduced catalysts LaNiO3, La4Ni3O10, La3Ni2O7 and La2NiO4, Catalysis Letters, 74, 2001, 185.

48 Chen, Zhao-Yong; Liu, Xin-Quan; Yu, Zuo-Long, Electrochemical Properties of Spinel LiMn2O4-δFδ for Cathode Materials of Secondary lithium-ion battery, Chinese Chemistry Letter, 5, 2000, 455.

49 陈召勇;刘兴泉;高利珍;于作龙,高容量的Li1.1Mn2O3.95F0.05 锂离子二次电池正极材料, 化学学报,592001325.

50 陈召勇;刘兴泉;高利珍;于作龙,尖晶石LiMn2O4 的高温电化学容量衰减与改进, 无机化学学报,172001325

4.   国家专利

1   陈召勇,朱华丽,张曾,一种磷酸铁锂/石墨烯复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201610954267.32021.2.9

2   陈召勇,朱华丽,一种废弃三元锂离子动力电池的综合回收方法,国家发明专利,ZL201810082708.42020.6.9

3   陈召勇,曹凯峰,一种球形镍钴铝前躯体及其制备方法, 国家发明专利, ZL201711012414.6.(2019.10.8)

4   陈召勇,龚小龙,一种导电高分子包覆掺杂型锂离子电池正极材料及其合成方法,国家发明专利, ZL201711001514.9.(2019.11.12)

5   陈召勇,朱华丽,一种从废弃动力电池中回收钴酸锂的方法,国家发明专利,ZL201711259460.6.(2019.7.9)

6   陈召勇,朱华丽,一种废旧动力电池的回收方法,国家发明专利,ZL201810398078.6.(2019.8.30)

7   陈召勇,朱华丽,一种从废旧锂离子动力电池中回收有价金属的方法,国家发明专利,ZL201711245451.1.(2019.7.26)

8   陈召勇,朱华丽,一种磷酸铁锂/石墨烯复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201610804294.2.(2019.5.7)

9   陈召勇,朱华丽,磷酸铁锂/纳米碳复合正极材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL200910043208.0.

10 陈召勇,彭南发,许炼,欧潘连,陈孝,邢鹏,朱华丽,一种磷酸铁锂与镍钴锰酸锂复合正极材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201410654321.3

11 陈召勇,许炼,朱华丽,彭南发,一种表面包覆磷酸铁锂的镍钴锰酸锂复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201410565787.6

12 陈召勇,朱华丽,一种铝合金及其制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201610232664X

13 朱华丽,陈召勇,一种从废锂离子电池材料中回收钴和锂的方法,国家发明专利,ZL201610533302.4

14 朱华丽,陈召勇,张曾,一种LiFePO4/石墨复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201610954268.8(2019.7.9)

15 朱华丽,陈召勇,一种从废旧镍钴锰酸锂电池材料中回收有价金属的方法,国家发明专利,2016ZL201610324520.7

16 李灵均,陈召勇,一种快离子镶嵌型锂离子电池正极材料的原位合成方法,国家发明专利,ZL201310127432.4.

17 段军飞,陈召勇,一种不同形貌自组装Cu2S纳米材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201610163670.4;       

18 段军飞,陈召勇,一种锂离子电池负极材料C/ZnO/Cu复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201510589278.1    

19 段军飞,陈召勇,一种锂电池负极材料-氮掺杂SnS/C复合纳米材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,ZL201510956864.5. 


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