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秦伟 博士

发布者:谭冰  发布时间:2020年04月03日 18:15




主要研究方向包括:(1)键弛豫理论与光电子能谱选取标定相关的理论;(2)纳米材料的可控制备及其在能源存储转换中的应用。截至目前,发表SCI论文20余篇,其中总被引690余次,H-index=15(Googlescholar)ESI高被引论文一篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(51702371),中山大学中央高校基本科研业务经费青年教师启动项目(18lgpy03)。参与广东省科技厅科技计划项目/广东省应用型科技研发专项(702134928310),上海市基础研究重点项目(14JC1491000),国家自然科学基金面上项目(11172254),国家自然科学基金青年项目(21401180)等。另受邀担任NanoscaleChemical Engineering JournalACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, Journal of alloys and compounds, Ionics以及Journal of Nanoparticle Research等杂志审稿人,20184月获得Journal of alloys and compounds杂志的Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing


1. W. Qin*, Y. Liu, X. Y. Liu,G. W. Yang*,Facile scalable production of amorphous nickel borate for high performance hybrid supercapacitors,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018,DOI:10.1039/C8TA07385F

2. W. Qin, T. Q. Chen, T. Lu, D. H. C. Chua, L. K. Pan*Layered nickel sulfide-reduced graphene oxide composites synthesized via microwave-assisted method as high performance anode materials of sodium-ion batteriesJournal of Power Sources 302, 202 (2016).

3. W. Qin, T. Q. Chen, L. K. Pan*, L. Y. Niu, B. W. Hu, D. S. Li, J. L. Li, Z. SunMoS2-reduced graphene oxide composites via microwave assisted synthesis for sodium ion battery anode with improved capacity and cycling performanceElectrochimica Acta 153, 55 (2015). 20187ESI高被引)

4. W. Qin, T. Q. Chen, B. W. Hu, Z. Sun, L. K. Pan*GeO2 decorated reduced graphene oxide as anode material of sodium ion batteryElectrochimica Acta 173, 193 (2015).

5. W. Qin, D. S. Li, X. J. Zhang, D. Yan, B. W. Hu, L. K. Pan,ZnS nanoparticles embedded in reduced graphene oxide as high performance anode material of sodium-ion batteriesElectrochimica Acta 191, 435 (2016).

6. W. Qin, Y. Wang*, Y. L. Huang, Z. F. Zhou, C. Yang, C. Q. SunBond order resolved 3d5/2 and valence-band chemical shifts of Ag surfaces and nanoclustersThe Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012, 116, 78927.

7. J. L. LiD. YanT. LuW. Qin*Y. F. YaoL. K. Pan*Significantly improved sodium-ion storage performance of CuS nanosheets anchored into reduced graphene oxide with ether-based electrolyteACS Applied Materials& Interfaces201793):2309~2316. (通讯作者)

8. J Li,W Qin, J Xie, H Lei, Y Zhu, W Huang, X Xu,Sulphur-doped reduced graphene oxide sponges as high-performance free-standing anodes for K-ion storage, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 415-424

9. J .L. Li,W. Qin, J. Xie, R. Lin, Z. Wang, L. K. Pan, W. J. Mai*,Rational design of MoS2-reduced graphene oxide sponges as free-standing anodes for sodium-ion batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332, 260-266.

10. X. J. Zhang,W. Qin, D. S. Li, D. Yan, B. W. Hu, Z. Sun, L. K. Pan*,Metal-organic frameworks derived porous CuO/Cu2O composite hollow octahedrons as high performance anode materials for sodium ion batteries, Chemical Communications 51, 16413 (2015).

11. Y. Liu, F. Yang,W. Qin, G.W. Yang,Co2P@NiCo2O4 Bi-functional Electrocatalyst with Low Overpotential for Water Splitting in Wide Range pH Electrolytes, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2018, doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2018.09.017

12. L. K. Pan S. Q. Xu, X. J. LiuW. Qin, Z. Sun W. T. Zheng, C. Q. Sun*Skin dominance of the dielectric-electronic-phononic-photonic attribute of nanoscaled silicon, Surface Science Reports, 68(3-4), 418-445 (2013). IF=17.8




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