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粟淼,男,湖南长沙人,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金项目1项和湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目1项,发表SCI/EI学术论文30余篇,担任《建筑结构学报》中青年审稿专家,“Engineering Structures”“Engineering Fracture Mechanics”“Construction and Building Materials”“Advances in Concrete Construction”,Materials”,“Soft Computing”等多个国际期刊审稿人。联系方式:sumiao@csust.edu.cn.

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miao-Su-2

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=sGwFYfcAAAAJ







(1) 高速铁路桥梁-无砟轨道相互作用研究;

(2) 纤维增强复合材料加固钢筋混凝土结构近场动力学研究;

(3) 机器学习在工程材料与结构中的应用研究;

(4) 桥梁结构设计与分析;

(5) 桥梁结构动力学;

(6) 文献计量学分析.


[1] 土木工程概论(2020秋;2021秋;2022)

[2] 桥梁施工(2019春;2021)

[3] 桥梁工程(2022)

[4] 土木工程专业英语(2019)

[5] 钢结构设计原理(2018).







国家自然科学基金青年项目, 51808055, 节段预制拼装预应力UHPC箱梁抗剪性能及设计方法研究, 2019.01-2021.12, 27万元,结题,参加

国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51978081, 可更换低屈服波形钢腹板连梁-组合桥墩耗能机理与抗震性能, 2020/01-2024/12, 60.0万元,在研,参加



英文论文(SCI Journal articles):

1. Su Miao*, Gong Shuang, Liu Yong, Peng Hui*. Flexural behavior of RC beams strengthened with fully or partially prestressed near-surface mounted FRP strips: An experimental investigation. Engineering structures, 2022, 262: 114345.

2. Su Miao, Peng Hui, Li Shaofan*. A visualized bibliometric analysis of mapping research trends of machine learning in engineering (MLE). Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 186, 115728.

3. Su Miao*, Xie Huan, Kang Chongjie, Li Shaofan*. Determination of the interfacial properties of longitudinal continuous slab track via a field test and ANN-based approaches. Engineering Structures, 2021, 246, 113039.

4. Su Miao*, Zhong Qingyu, Peng Hui*. Regularized multivariate polynomial regression analysis of the compressive strength of slag-metakaolin geopolymer pastes based on experimental data. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 303: 124529.

5. Su Miao*, Zhong Qingyu, Peng Hui, Li Shaofan*. Selected machine learning approaches for predicting the interfacial bond strength between FRPs and concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 270, 121456.

6. Su Miao*, Peng Hui, Yuan Ming, Li Shaofan*. Identification of the interfacial cohesive law parameters of FRP strips externally bonded to concrete using machine learning techniques. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 247: 107643.

7. Su Miao, Yang Yiyun, Pan Rensheng*. A comprehensively overall track-bridge interaction study on multi-span simply supported beam bridges with longitudinal continuous ballastless slab track. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2021, 78(2): 163-174.

8. Su Miao, Peng Hui, Li Shaofan*. Application of an interpretable artificial neural network to predict the interface strength of a near-surface mounted fiber-reinforced polymer to concrete joint. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2021, 22 (6), 427-440.

9. Su Miao*, Wang Jun, Peng Hui, Cai C.S., Dai Gonglian. State-of-the-artreview of the development and application of bridge rotation construction methods in China. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2021, 64, 1137-1152.

10. Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian, Peng Hui. Bond-slip constitutive model of concrete to cement-asphalt mortar interface for slab track structure. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2020, 74 (5), 589-600.

11. Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian, Steffen Marx, Liu Wenshuo, Zhang Sisi. A brief review of developments and challenges for high-speed rail bridges in China and Germany, Structural Engineering International, 2019, 29(1): 160-166.

12. Dai Gonglian, Su Miao*, Full-scale field experimental investigation on the interfacial shear capacity of continuous slab track structure, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 16(3): 485~493.

13. Dai Gonglian, Su Miao*, Chen Y. Frank, Design and construction of simple beam bridges for high-speed rails in China: standardization and industrialization, The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 2016, 11(4): 274~282.

14. Dai Gonglian, Su Miao*, Liu Wenshuo; Chen Y. Frank, New Songhua River Bridge: a continuous girder, tied arch, hybrid bridge with four rail tracks in Harbin, China, Structural Engineering International, 2016, 26(3): 254~259.

15. Dai Gonglian, Su Miao, Yan Bin, Case study of twin cable-stayed bridges for high-speed railway in China: design, analysis and construction, Structural Engineering International, 2014, 24(3): 396~401.

16. Huang Dunwen, Chen Peng, Peng Hui, Yang Yiwei, Yuan Qiaoming, Su Miao. A review and comparison study on drying shrinkage prediction between alkali-activated fly ash/slag and ordinary Portland cement, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 305, 124760.

17. Dai Gonglian, Ge Hao, Su Miao, Chen Y. Frank. Century-old covered bridge with cantilever beams in China, Structural Engineering International, 2017, 27(2): 255~262.

18. Xie Yuxi, Li Shaofan, Wu C.T., Lai Zhipeng, Su Miao. A novel hypergraph convolution network for wafer defect patterns identification based on an unbalanced dataset, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023, http://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-022-02067-z.

19. Lv Yigang, Wu Pan, Chou Jiaxuan, Han Weiwei, Su Miao*, Peng Hui. An experimental study on the interfacial bonding performance of horizontally embedded CFRP strips to concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 369, 130514.

20. Han Weiwei, Wang Cui, Lv Yigang, Su Miao*, Liu Yuting, Peng Hui. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Verification of the Stress and Strain of Axially Compressed Steel-Reinforced Concrete Columns under Long-Term Loads, Materials, 2022, 15 (21), 7630.

21. Xie Hong, Zeng Zhiping, Su Miao, Luo Jun, Dai Gonglian. On Mechanical and Motion Behavior of the Normal Impact Interface between a Rigid Sphere and Elastic Half-Space, 2022, Applied Sciences, 12 (21), 11094.

中文论文(EI Journal articles):

22. 粟淼*, 朱琦治, 戴公连, 彭晖. 考虑界面初始黏结缺陷的CRTS Ⅱ型板式无砟轨道温度变形, 交通运输工程学报, 2020, 20(05): 73-81.

23. 龚爽, 彭晖, 粟淼, 张建仁, 钟卿瑜. 梯度锚固预应力NSM CFRP加固RC梁静力及疲劳性能研究. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 49(01): 113-123.

24. 钟卿瑜, 粟淼, 彭晖. 偏高岭土-矿渣地聚物宏观性能试验及Lasso回归模型.复合材料学报, 2022, 39(11): 5474-5485.

25. 丑佳璇, 张智涛, 张建仁, 粟淼, 彭晖. NSM CFRP-混凝土界面疲劳黏结性能研究. 中国公路学报: 2022, 35(02):234-246.

26. 龚爽, 林福宽, 粟淼, 张建仁, 彭晖. 固化与试验温度对环氧树脂及表层嵌贴CFRP-混凝土界面粘结性能的影响. 复合材料学报, 2022, 39(11): 5512-5524.

27. 龚爽, 张建仁, 林福宽, 粟淼. 梯度锚固预应力NSM CFRP板条加固梁破坏模式与影响因素试验研究. 中国公路学报, 2022, 35(02): 169-180.

28. 戴公连, 粟淼*. 高铁槽形梁斜拉桥塔梁固接结构试验研究及数值分析, 铁道学报, 2015, 37(03): 85~92.

29. 戴公连, 粟淼*, 预制板式无砟轨道界面脱层失效的数值模拟, 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(07): 102~107, 122.

30. 戴公连, 粟淼*. 剪切荷载下板式无砟轨道界面黏结破坏机理, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 44(01): 16~21.

31. 戴公连, 粟淼*. 一种新支点横隔板设置下的斜交连续钢箱梁桥受力特性分析, 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 47(07): 2398~2405.

32. 戴公连, 粟淼*. 斜交连续钢箱梁桥横隔板布置方式研究, 铁道工程学报, 2015, 33(09): 67~72.

33. 戴公连, 粟淼*, 闫斌, 刘文硕. 槽形梁斜拉桥塔梁固结区受力分析及构造细节, 桥梁建设, 2013, 43(04): 61~67.

34. 戴公连, 粟淼*, 刘文硕, 闫斌. 槽型断面梁斜拉桥塔梁墩固结区受力特性研究, 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 41(01): 27~32.

其他(Other articles)

35. 粟淼*, 戴公连, 刘柯. 无吊杆人行悬索桥设计研究. 铁道科学与工程学报, 2013.10(4): 41-46.

36. Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian, Liu Ke. The design of a river-crossing pedestrian bridge in Kunming city, China: a new structure form for cable-supported bridge. IABSE Symposium Report, Kolkata, India, 2013.

37. Su Miao*, Dai Gonglian. Failure behaviour of bonding interface for the continuous slab track structure under temperature load. IABSE Symposium Report, Guangzhou, China, 2016, 106-113.


1. 彭晖,龚爽,张建仁,刘扬,王磊,粟淼,单韧,彭勃. 一种用于表层嵌贴预应力FRP板条的张拉锚固装置 (ZL 201910876052.8).

2. 彭晖,龚爽,张智涛,张建仁,王磊,粟淼.一种基于梯度放张预应力的混凝土结构的加固方法 (ZL 201910932932.2).

3. 彭晖,郭恒良,丑佳璇,张建仁,刘扬,粟淼. 基于表层嵌贴预应力板条的桥梁竖向预应力损失补偿方法 (ZL 201910932897.4).

4. 刘勇,戴公连,刘文硕,粟淼. 一种新型装配式混凝土支承柱 (ZL 202110814794.5).

5. 刘勇,李文武,粟淼,秦红禧,王卿,张欣,陈光. 乔秋衡盖永斌一种全预制装配式无承台桥墩 (ZL202211341812.3).


1. 2022年长沙理工大学课堂教学竞赛二等奖;

2. 2022年湖南省公路学会三等奖(排名5).

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