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作者: 来源:  日期:2014年12月23日 人气:

能动学院国际交流合作办公室 主任


电话: +86 (0)731 85258402

电邮: shalieteng@hotmail.com

1. 个人简介

向健平教授1996年在湖南省评定为副教授。1999年获得英国皇家学会项目赴英工作。1999年10月至2005年1月为英国莱斯特大学(Leicester University)大学英国皇家学会博士后和教授级研究员;2001年10月至2005年1月,聘为英国杜伦大学(Durham University)工程学院高级研究员;2005年1月至2009年8月,聘为英国拉夫堡大学可再生能源系统技术研究中心(CREST, Loughborough University)大学革新研究员。2009年后任英国高地与岛屿大学 (UHI) 学术带头人,能源与环境中心(ERI,UHI) 研究生导师,Shalie Academy of Technology院长。向健平教授2008年至2011年被聘为中国华北电力大学客座教授,2009年至今聘为湖南工程学院客座教授。2013年聘为长沙理工大学3级教授。
向健平教授自2001年起与中国工程院能源与矿山部主任何继善院士和黄其励院士将欧洲可再生能源的教育和研究介绍到中国,2006年至2007年共同组织了中英能源专家在上海领事馆的会议以及中国工程院领导的可再生能源发展的访英代表团,并在华北电力大学成立了中国第一个可再生能源学院。2009年至2010年与英国BRITISH COUNCIL,苏格兰教育部长,工业和大学代表团多次访问中国上海交大,中科院院所,青岛海洋大学等,促进两国在工业,教育和可再生能源领域的合作。2013年7月至今对英国能源研究中心及多所大学进行了访问,帮助长沙理工大学NORTHUMBRIA大学学术校长,英国皇家工程院士Ian Postlethwaite教授和UHI大学研究校长,英国皇家工程院士Ian Bryden教授等著名国际学者和大学建立了合作关系,为长沙理工大学引进了能源与环境专家STUART GIBB教授,可再生能源专家SIMON WATSON教授,控制专家Ian Postlethwaite教授等。安排与组织了中国大使馆,英国高地与岛屿大学,苏格兰议会和长沙理工大学在爱丁堡领事馆的中英合作会议和活动。学术研究工作包括近海风力发电机故障诊断与状态监控和海水发电及控制,资源勘探数据处理。负责和参与了多个欧洲和中国的几十项大型科研和工业项目,涉及经费超过一亿人民币;与很多著名国际科研院校,研究团体和工业界发表了很多国际前沿科研论文和报告;研发了一些创新性系统和方法,其中一些被录入世界电机最新发展书目,欧盟科研最新发展报告,和拉夫堡大学MBA报告,并获得英国中部创新奖以及拉夫堡大学合作开发意向书。


2. 主要研究方向

l 风力发电机故障诊断,状态监控和寿命预测


l 直驱波浪能发电系统及控制


l 近岸式波浪能发电系统性能评估与优化研究


l 资源勘探数据处理


3. 简历


  • PhD 1996-1999 School of Info-Physics and Geomatics Engineering, Central South University,
  • M. Eng 1993-1996 Automation, Department of Automatic Control, Central South University, China.
  • B. Eng 1978-1982 Industrial Automation, Department of Electrical Engineering at Hunan University, China,


  • 2013- data, Professor of New & Renewable Energy, Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China
  • 2009 – date, Visiting Professor, Hunan Institute of Engineering, China.
  • 2011- 2013, Director, Shalie Academy of Technology, UK
  • 2009 - date, UHI Academic Leader, visiting professor, Energy Studies, Environmental Research Institute, UHI, UK
  • 2005-2009, Innovation Fellow/Research Associate, CREST, Faculty of Engineering, University of Loughborough
  • 2008 – 2011, Visiting Professor, North China Electric Power University, China.
  • 2001- 2005, Senior Research Associate, School of Engineering, University of Durham, UK.
  • 1999- 2001, Royal Society Research Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Leicester, UK.
  • 1999, Senior Visiting Scholar of Chinese Ministry of Education, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University,
  • 1996- 1999, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Changsha University of Science & Technology, China.
  • 1985- 1996, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changsha University, China
  • 1982-1985, Teaching Assistant, Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute, China.


  • The principles of computer hardware
  • Electrical engineering
  • Modern control theory
  • Circuits & systems
  • Automatic control of machine tools
  • Computer programming
  • Condition monitoring
  • Reliability analysis
  • Wind energy

Supervision of MSc and PhD students on a wide range of projects including reliability analysis, condition monitoring, modelling and system identification in wind energy.

4. 研究与项目


  • Advanced PCB, Electronic engineering project, 2012
  • New Engineering Secondment, GEN II Sellafield Skills Centre, Feb, 2010, New Engineering Foundation
  • SCDI trade visit to.Shanghai & Hong Kong. March 2010, Scottish Council for Development and Industry & UHI
  • Scotland- Qingdao Renewable Energy Scoping Visit, July-Oct 2010, British Council & UHI
  • Energy studies workshops in China, Dec 2009-Jan 2010, Funded by UHI International Office and Chinese universities


As Principal Investigator

  • Sept 2011-Sept 2012 smart condition monitoring of power systems, funded by Ministry of Education, China (£15,000)
  • Apr 2009-Aug 2009 Wind turbine condition monitoring system, Innovation Fellowship, funded by EMDA (East Midlands Development Agency) (£32,314)

Brief description of the project: This project is development of a novel condition monitoring system for offshore wind turbines which offers advantages of non-intrusive, reliable, easy to operate, and low cost maintenance, etc. As part of a consortium project supported under an EU funding scheme, a method of wavelet-based fault detection has been established which has been further verified under support of EPSRC research funding. To exploit the intellectual property, funding support is sought to further test the method and development of a prototype. Market research will be carried out to identify the potential customers and the route to market.

  • Sept 2007-Sept 2008 Risk, reliability, and safety engineering solutions for wind power, funded by Ministry of Education, China (£10,000)

Brief description of the project: The project was the programme of work entitled ‘Reliability Analysis of Wind Turbines’ which was undertaken by PhD student Haitao Guo for one year at Loughborough. The project was initiated by Dr. J Xiang at Loughborough University and Professor Xianhui Yang at Tsinghua University in China, Co-supervised by Dr. Simon Watson. The work was an extension of Dr. Xiang’s previous work on reliability analysis. Funding was provided by China Scholarship Council. As a result of the project, one paper has been accepted by the journal Reliability Engineering and System Safety and one paper accepted by a conference.

  • Oct 1999-Oct 2001 Non-linear multi-frequency processing of geophysical signals using neural network with fuzzy logic, Royal Society research Fellowship (£17,061)

Brief description of the project: The project was initiated by Dr. J Xiang at Changsha University of Science & Technology in China, collaborated by Professor Jones at Leicester University in the UK. Funding was provided by the Royal Society and Leicester University. The main topics of the papers cover neural networks, nonlinear regression, advanced control algorithm, induced polarization phenomenon. As a result of the project, three journal papers and five conference papers have been published.

As Main Researcher

  • Feb 2007-April 2009 Supergen wind energy technologies, EPSRC
  • Jan 2005-July, 2007 Condition monitoring of offshore wind, EU FRAMEWORK
  • Jan 2005-Sept 2006 Assessing Climate Change Impacts on wind power generation, EPSRC
  • Feb 2004-Jan 2005 Reliability analysis of wind turbines, funded by Durham University
  • Oct 2001-Jan2004, Modelling and control of direct drive wave energy conversion system, EPSRC


2.近岸式波浪能发电系统控制优化的关键技术, SQ2015SHF0060,海南科技厅项目,20万元,未结题,项目首席专家。
3.大型风力发电机组故障预测与优化控制研究,GDT20154300072, 2015 年-2017 年,中国外专局项目,280万元,未结题,项目主持人。
4.“新疆能源先导型沙漠治理战略研究”,2015-NY-4, 2015/01-2016/12,中国工程院咨询项目, 290万元,未结题,项目顾问。
5.中欧合作风力发电机组故障诊断与预测研究中心, 湖南省国际科技合作基地科技项目计划,S2015W003P010, 2015/01-2016/12,15万元,未结题,项目主要参与者。
8.市级引进海外人才与智力项目,长沙市新能源与可再生能源利用服务平台及监管体系的创新团队建设, 4万元,2015/01-2015/12,结题,市级专家。
10.2015-2016学年度 湖南省“SIMON WATSON教授海外名师”项目,主持。
11.2016-2017学年度 湖南省“JOHN TAN教授海外名师”项目,主持。

5. 学术成果


1. Simon J. Watson, Beth J. Xiang, Wenxian X. Yang, Peter J. Tavner, and C. Crabtree, Condition Monitoring of the Power Output of Wind Turbine Generators Using Wavelets, Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions, Volume:25 , Issue: 3, Sept. 2010, Pages 715 - 721

2. Jianping Xiang, Wind Energy in China, the ninth annual edition of Renewable Energy, 2009,

3. Haitao Guo, Simon Watson, Peter Tavner, Jiangping Xiang. Reliability analysis for wind turbines with incomplete failure data collected, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Volume 94, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1057-1063

4. Edwin Wiggelinkhuizen, Theo Verbruggen, Henk Braam, Luc RademakersJianping Xiang, Simon WatsonAssessment of Health Monitoring Techniques for Offshore Wind Farms- Results of the CONMOW projectASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, August 2008 -- Volume 130, Issue 3, 031004 (9 pages).

5. Wiggelinkhuizen, E.J., Verbruggen, T., Braam, H., Xiang, J. and Watson, S.J., et al ''CONMOW: Condition Monitoring for Offshore Wind Farms'', ECN, May 2007, pp 1-10, ISBN 15233081.

6. Shek, J.K.H., Macpherson, D.E., Mueller, M.A. and Xiang, J., ''Reaction Force Control of a Linear Electrical Generator for Direct Drive Wave Energy Conversion'', Renewable Power Generation IET, 11, March 2007, pp 17-24, ISBN 1752 1416.

7. Xiang, J., Mueller, M.A. and Cheng, D., ''Parameter Estimation of an Electro-Mechanical System Using Narrow-Band Data'', Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 14(1), January 2007, pp. 15-25, ISSN 1492-8760.

8. Tavner, P., Xiang, J. and Spinato, F., ''Reliability Analysis for Wind Turbines'', Wind Energy, 10(1), January 2007, pp. 1-18, ISSN 0309 524X.

9. Xiang, J., Cheng, D., Schlindwein, F.S. and Jones, N.B., ''On the Adequacy of Identified Cole-Cole Models'', Computers & Geosciences, 29(5), April 2003, pp. 647-654, ISSN 0098 3004.

10. Xiang, J., Jones, N.B., Cheng, D. and Schlindwein, F.S., ''A New Method to Discriminate Between a Vallid IP Response and EM Coupling Effects'', Geophysical Prospecting, 50(6), November 2002, pp. 565-576, ISSN 0016 8025.

11. Xiang, J., Jones, N.B., Cheng, D. and Schlindwein, F.S., ''Direct Inversion of the Apparent Complex-Resistivity Spectrum'', Geophysics, 66(5), September 2001, pp. 1399-1404, ISSN 0016 8033.

12. Xiang J. P., Teng Runqiu (1997). The Results of Application of OMNI- PLUS System. Journal of Central South University of Technology, pp. 68-73. (In Chinese).

13. Yang X. R., Jianping Xiang, Lin Yuhua (1997). Automatic Detecting System of Roll Shape Using CCD sensors in Plate Rolling. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, Vol. 7, No. pp. 156-159.

14. Yang X. R., Lian Yingzhan, Jianping Xiang, Ling Yuhua (1996). CCD High Precision and Speed Graphic Data Sampling System and Its Application. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 4pp.218-221, (In Chinese).

15. Xiang J. P., Yang Xinrong (1996). Method of Real-time Detection and Analysis on Roll, Hunan Annals of Mathematics, 163pp. 65-66. (In Chinese).


  1. Mueller, M.A., Xiang, J., Baker, N.J. and Brooking, P.R.M., ‘’Dynamic Modelling of a Linear Vernier Hybrid Permanent Magnet Machine Coupled to a Wave Energy Emulator Test Rig’’, Recent Developments of Electrical Drives, Wiak S, Dems M, Komeza K, Springer, Germany, 2006, ISBN 978-1-4020-4534.


  1. S J Watson, B J Xiang, W X Yang, P J Tavner and C Crabtree, Condition monitoring of a wind turbine doubly-fed induction generator, EWEC (European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition), Parc Chanot, Marseille, France, 16 – 19 March 2009
  2. Haitao Guo, Xianhui Yang, Jianping Xiang, Simon Watson, Wind Turbine Availability Analysis Based On Statistical Data, International conference on Sustainable Power Generation and Supply, China
  3. Jianping Xiang, Simon Watson, Yongqian Liu, Smart monitoring of wind turbines using neural networks, International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 2009, UK,
  4. Watson, S.J. and Xiang, J.,Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drive Trains’’, Sustainable Energy UK Conference: Meeting the Science and Engineering Challenge, Oxford, May 2008,
  5. Xiang, J. and Watson, S.J., “Practical Condition Monitoring Techniques for Offshore Wind Turbines”, EWEC, Brussels Expo, Belgium, April 2008, PO.195.
  6. Xiang, J. , Jishan He, Discussion on the renewable energy technology and management in the UK, CHINA ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT FORUM, 2007 (In Chinese).
  7. Jingfang Chen, Jishan He, Jianping Xiang, Runqiu Teng, Engineering Management and Education in the UK, CHINA ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT FORUM, 2007 (In Chinese).
  8. Watson, S.J. and Xiang, J., “Real-time Condition Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbines’’, As below, 295, European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Greece, February 2006, pp 647-654.
  9. Xiang, J., Hor, C. and Watson, S.J., ‘’Climate Change Impacts on Future Reliability and Capacity Factors of Wind Turbines’’, ENERGYX 2006, SINTEF, Elsevier, Norway, June 2006, ISBN 008045108X.
  10. Mueller, M.A., Xiang, J. Shek J. & Macpherson D.E. “Tuning Point Absorber Wave Energy Devices”, World Maritime technology conference, London, March 2006.
  11. P. Tavner, J. Xiang, F. Spinato, Improving the Reliability of Wind Turbine Generation and its Impact on Overall Distribution Network Reliability, In Proceedings of the 18th International conference on Electrical Distribution, Italy, 2005.
  12. P. Tavner, J. Xiang , Wind turbine reliability, how does it compare with other embedded generation sources, In Proceedings of the 3rd IEE International conference on Reliability of transmission and distribution Networks, London, 2005.
  13. Xiang, J., ‘’Batch Signal Processing Using Matlab and Excel’’, ICSP 04, Yuan Baozong, IEEE, China, September 2004, pp 148-151, ISBN 0-7803-8406-7.
  14. Xiang, J., Baker, N.J. and Mueller, M.A., ‘’Signal Processing Using Matlab and Control Toolbox for Linear Electrical Machine Modelling’’, ICSP 04, Yuan Baozong, IEEE, China, September 2004, pp 148-151, ISBN 0-78038406.
  15. M.A. Mueller, J. Xiang, N.J. Baker (2004), ‘ Dynamic Modelling of a Linear Vernier Hybrid Permanent Magnet Machine, In Proceedings of the ICEM 2004, Poland.
  16. Mueller M. A., N J Baker, P R M Brooking and J. P. Xiang . Low Speed Linear Electrical Generators for Renewable Energy Applications. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications, 2003.
  17. Xiang, J., Brooking, P.R.M. and Mueller, M.A., ‘’Control Requirements of Direct Drive Wave Energy Converters’’, TENCON 2002, 3, Yuan Baozong, IEEE, China, September 2002, pp 2053-2056, ISBN 0-7803-7490-8.
  18. He, J.S., Xiang, J., Schlindwein, F.S. and Jones, N.B., ‘’On Nonlinear Effect of Spectral IP’’, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Exposition and 71st Annual Meeting of the SEG, USA, 2001.
  19. Xiang J. P., N.B. Jones, F.S. Schlindwein, Theoretic Analysis and Experimental investigation of Induced Polarization Effect of Rocks/Minerals. In Proceedings of electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena (CEIDP), IEEE, 2001, pp. 58-62.
  20. Xiang J. P., N. B. Jones and F.S. Schlindwein . Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Modeling and Pattern Recognition, In Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks In Engineering (ANNIE), 2001, pp. 563-568.
  21. Cheng D., S. Spurgeon, and Jianping Xiang, On the Development of Generalized Hamiltonian Realization, In Proceedings of 39th IEEE CDC, Sydney, Vol. 1, 2000, pp. 5125-5129.
  22. Cheng D., C. Martin, and J. Xiang, An Algorithm for Common Quadratic Lyapunov Function, In Proceedings of 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Hefei, 2000, pp. 2965-2969.
  23. Xiang J. P., Yang Xinrong (1998). Autonomous Intelligent Control System and its Growth and Promise, In Proceedings of CIAC’98, Shanghai, China (In Chinese).
  24. J Xiang,Nannan Jiang,S. J. Watson.A method for automatic fault diagnosis and prediction of remaining life of wind turbines.2016全球能源互联网大会论文集(上册)-The Proceedings of 2016 GEI Volume I,北京,546-555.


  1. Xiang J, Watson, S.J., Wen-pao Chiu, "Studies on future requirements for materials improvement in wind energy systems- cases assessed from reliability monitoring program in the UK", Conference Energy Materials: Meeting the Challenge", Loughborough, October 2008.

SUPERGEN Wind - Presentations

  1. Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Drive Trains, Watson SJ and Xiang J, UKERC Sustainable Energy UK: Meeting the Science and Engineering Challenge, St Anne's College, Oxford, UK, 13-14 May 2008.

Industrial Workshop, 2 July 2007,

  1. Statistical analysis of wind turbine measurements at Haghaw Hill Scotland, Jianping Xiang, Loughborough University
  2. Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines from CONMOW, Jianping Xiang, Loughborough

Industrial Workshop, 22 Jan 2009

5. Improve the health and safety condition of wind turbine components through operating temperature and vibration characteristics, Beth Xiang, Simon Watson, Loughborough University, Andy Barton, Beacon Energy Ltd

SuperGen Marine Energy Research Consortium: SuperGen Publications:

6. Mueller M.A., Xiang, J. Shek J. & Macpherson D.E. “Tuning Point Absorber Wave Energy Devices”, World Maritime Congress, London, March 2006.

7.向健平,Simon Watson,"欧洲风能产业和研究的现状和发展趋势",首届(2016)中国风力发电投资与风电产业可持续发展论坛,北京,2016.1.8-1.11。


  • Wiggelinkhuizen, E.; Verbruggen, T.; Braam, H.; Rademakers, L.; Xiang, J. ; Watson, S.; Giebel, G.; Norton, E.; Tipluica, M.C.; MacLean, A.; Christensen, A.J.; Becker, E.; Scheffler, :‘Conmow Final Report’, ECN-E--07-044. (European Project report)
  • Wiggelinkhuizen, E.; Verbruggen, T.; Braam, H.; Rademakers, L.; Xiang, J. ; Watson, S.; Giebel, G.; Norton, E.; Tipluica, M.C.; MacLean, A.; Christensen, A.J.; Becker, E.; Scheffler, ‘Annexes and Management Final Report, Conmow Final Report’, ECN-X--07-078
  • Watson, S.J. and Xiang, J., Temperature statistical data analysis for wind turbines at ardrossan site, Report for Airtricity Generation Ltd. November, 2007
  • Watson, S.J. and Xiang, J., Statistical data analysis for wind turbines at ardrossan site, Report for Airtricity Generation Ltd. February, 2008.


3.廖宜思,Nordex N80 / 2.5 MW风力发电机故障分析和预测软件设计
4.张勤,Nordex N80 / 2.5 MW风力发电机故障分析和预测硬件系统设计

15.李木慧,基于MATLAB的Nordex N80/2.5MW风力发电机远程监控系统设计可视化方法研究

16.彭伟,Nordex N80/2.5 MW风力发电机故障信号分析及信号处理系统

17.陈潇,Nordex N80/2.5MW风力发电机功率信号数学分析方法研究


19.邓齐升,Nordex N80 / 2.5 MW风力发电机远程监控系统C语言实现方法研究